Monday, May 29, 2006

Monday Memories

The blogger affectionily known as Chilihead (hey I didn't come up with it someone else did) over at Don't Try This at Home, has started a new meme Monday Memories. I thought it would be fun to dust off some of those memories and share them so I figured I'd join in.

Hers involved popcorn and that brought memories of my own childhood popcorn days. We would have popcorn and watch movies or M*A*S*H, I believe my dad had every episode taped. We would get out the old stove popper, or later the air popper, and get going. My sister would lay out what we called the Indian Blanket, I don't know why we just did and it was the only one we could eat popcorn on. We also had a praticular bowl we used, well that was until my sister and I got creative and we got a new one that was personalized with "C***'s Popcorn" on it, for Christmas one year. To this day my mom and dad still have that blanket and that 'new' popcorn bowl.

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