Monday, May 15, 2006

LBY week 7

I am FINALLY getting to post on this, and it will be short and sweet. I had decided not to post until after I had seen the video because many times Beth's commentary cements the whole idea for me, and I was so blessed by the video tonight.

So many things went through my mind as I watched and listened to her teaching on spending ourselves. Such is a timely message for me. I want to whole up and say I can't do anything because I can't afford to do anything right now. When really how can I afford NOT to do anything. Goodness DOES! I am only to go forward and do. He will reap the harvest. It is for His glory.

JannaFlipflop Robin
This is a list of the women participating in the
study and the links to their blogs. New postings on the study will be
published for the next ten weeks, between Friday 8pm - Saturday 8am.
Please feel free to visit each of us and comment.
Everyone is welcome to participate in this discussion
as we seek to live beyond ourselves. May God bless you richly from the
hearing of His word.


Anonymous said...

You said a lot in this short post. Thanks for it! :)

Anonymous said...

Short, but very sweet and to the point :)