Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Works For Me Wednesday

My idea is something that I stumbled across in the countless times I crossed the kitchen fixing coffee in the morning. Now I am not a coffee drinker, but my husband is. I learned to fix coffee for him to take to work. After endless trips across the kitchen to the pantry to get filters, coffee, sugar, creamer etc. I decided to use the cabinet above my coffee maker as my drink cabinet. In it I store not only the aforementioned (don't you just love that word) fixings for coffee, but also the pitchers for Kool - Aid and Iced Tea and all the necessities for these as well, those little envelopes, tea bags etc. The hot cococa, another drink I don't like, and my hot cider and spiced tea mixes are also stored there. Incidentally you will also find the chocolate chips, peanut butter chips, coconut, powdered and brown sugars on the top shelf of this cabinet, for no other reason than it is a good place to store these little used items.


Barb Szyszkiewicz said...

It's always good when you can keep stuff organized by use! Great tip!

Gina Conroy said...

I do the same thing. Except that my cabinet is crowded because I also keep the cups and mugs in there. Maybe I need a bigger cabinet?

Susan (5 Minutes For Mom) said...

That is a great idea. I guess one advantage of a small kitchen (like I have) is that the walk across the kitchen isn't very far. LOL

But even with a small kitchen, that is very smart to keep the logically grouped items together.
