Thursday, March 05, 2009


My facebook status says it all tonight. I am in a weird mood. I have been doing really stupid stuff, like washing clean clothes etc. and could really go off into a depression over those things and another piece of information which I discovered today/tonight. However, I realize how stupid it would be to do that. But I am not quite ready to laugh it all off yet. That almost feels irresponsibile. I guess I am not quite ready to give my self permission to be that free yet, especially when my house looks like it does on a consistant basis. I think that is part of it. The lack of time and energy I have for the house has left it horrible and my moods reflect my house. But what seems an easy solution really isn't in practicality. But wait, that is an excuse, a cop-out, something just I could use to justify staying in the same cycle of behavior. I know that isn't going to work and only make things worse. So I will have to make some kind of change somewhere and start there.

Taking a look at my goals from the beginning of the year is a good place to start. I know I had a clean kitchen goal on that list. So that is where I am going to start - concentrating on my kitchen - cleaning and training. Training kiddos in responsibilities and chores. They both have them, but I am not consistant in requiring them done. That is my mistake. Also the kitchen needs to be organized in order to ease the care and upkeep of it. So that is going to be a goal as well. I am also going to work on applying some things I am learning in my course work about accountability and assessment. Who knew my master's work would help with household mangement?

Heck who knew that writing would be a catharsis for my weird mood? I feel quite a bit better now, and think my hubby has the air conditioner on.......its 68* people, not AC weather.........

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