Saturday, January 20, 2007

Did I tell you ........

..... that my third child is the bossy one?

He is just months shy of his 3rd birthday. And tonight he was sitting in his chair at the table -- a high chair seat without the tray or front brace. He was holding his penguin -- the one he got for Christmas from "his" Ms. Kathy -- and his "Stinky" -- his beloved crochet camouflaged blanket. Doing one thing or another, he dropped both of them in the floor. This is the conversation that ensued.

him -- I dropped my penguin and Stinky.

his daddy -- yeah, so.

him -- I dropped my penguin and Stinky.

his daddy -- yeah so.

He pondered this a few minutes.

him -- Get down and pick up that mess! I am tired of picking up my stuff!

Riotous laughter ensues.........

He got down and picked up his own penguin and Stinky.

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