Thursday, January 29, 2009

Random post

I don't know exactly what to post about but I am going to post anyway so we will just comes up.

This week has been weird. We went to school on Monday, were off on Tuesday for the ice storm that never made it this far south, was sure that we'd be off or at least late on Wednesday but wound up trying to get there on time, and had school as usual today. I say as usual, my PE class got bumped for chapel, which we didin't have yesterday because of all the late arrivals. I am not kidding when I say I had half of my class tardy yesterday. Tomorrow I should be able to finish catching my class up from missing Tuesday.

I have started two completely new paragraphs and deleted them both. I just am at a loss at what to say. I keep making these resolutions to blog and then I don't. I sit here and nothing comes to me. I keep hoping for these profound thoughts to strike me, yet nothing is coming. So I sit here and prattle on about my day and family etc. I guess I am looking for a purpose for my blog(s) Yes I do have two, they are usually carbon copies of each other. I keep my Xanga because there are several Xanga friends that don't go else where. I keep my Blogspot because there are readers over there that don't do Xanga. They are both linked so if you are at one you can click to the other one. lol! There is a typepad one as well but I just didn't like typepad's set up like I thought I would so I don't use it.

I bought me a Webkinz the other day. I bought it because it was a red cardinal - to remind me of my grandmother. She loved cardnials. I will probably never activate the account. I just wanted the cardnial. It has been five years since she passed away and not a day goes by that I don't think of her an miss her just a little. I can not believe that it has been that long. She has never seen my youngest son that bears her maiden name as his middle name and is the spitting image of her son, my daddy. She has never seen my neice who bears her name and is the spitting image of her mother, my sister. I haven't been called Angel since Thanksgiving 2003, the last time I saw her. I can't see an iris or a cardinal without thinking of her. Those two items will be forever linked with her.

Okay I can't write about that any more. I will, however, one day get her stacks of scrapbooks and with my sister's help preserve the pictures and her writing in books that will not distroy them. She was a scrapbooker before her time. And her work needs to be showcased. That my friends is one of my next projects. Besides getting my own scrapbooks up to date. I need a scrapping corner in my house. Off to think on that one a bit. See what typing this random blog entry has done for me.

Off to copy and paste!

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